Mailboxes Bulk Upload

Got a list of new renters? Add them in a single upload.

Updated over a week ago

PilotoMail's bulk upload feature will facilitate adding multiple mailboxes at the same time. Check out a step-by-step below.

Bulk Upload

  1. From the sidebar, go to Mailboxes.

  2. Go to the Import button to the right.

  3. Click on Download Template to the left.

  4. Fill out the template with the information that applies.

    1. PMB: If a renter already has a PMB number assigned in your space and you wish to assign them the same one in PilotoMail, add here that information for the corresponding renter. If not, the system will automatically assign a PMB number.

      πŸ“Œ Note: If the PMB number is already assigned to another renter, you

      won't be able to do this customization.

    2. Company: Add here the mailbox name. If this is a personal mailbox, you can just add the renter's name.

    3. Phone: Add here the phone number for the company or renter.

    4. Email: Add here the email of the primary owner of the mailbox. This is the email that will receive the mailbox invitation.

    5. Industry: Add here the industry of the company, if applicable.

    6. Plan: Add here the assigned plan for this renter.

      πŸ“Œ Note: Make sure the plan name matches the name you have in your

      Offering settings.

  5. Upload the template as a CSV file in the Upload Files section.

  6. Match the headers with the columns from the drop-down menu, for example, the first header titled PMB should be matched with the PMB option in the drop-down. Then the system will read the data and it will show a preview. You can give it a look to see if all the information matches.

  7. After matching the headers, click Import to upload the mailboxes.

You're done! All the renters on your list will receive their mailbox invitations to the email provided.

Happy Mailing! βœ‰οΈ

Check out this blog post on why all your clients should be virtual users.

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