We are always making improvements and debugging, but when updates are big, you want to tell your mailbox renters and users. We’ve put together a customizable email template that you can send to give renters a heads up on their new mailbox look.
Copy the template below and paste it into a new email message.
Customize the [placeholder text].
Add additional context to help your mailbox renters understand how PilotoMail works.
Remove any content that isn't relevant for them.
Send the email to your mailbox renters and be ready with canned responses and our Help Center to answer any questions or comments.
Hey there!
Your virtual mailbox is getting a new look! Our mail management platform is making improvements and squashing bugs so you can have a better experience every time you manage your mail.
Features to watch out for:
A new and improved user interface for better performance and usability.
Two new inbox view modes: Choose between a compact view, a more comfortable view with images, and a grid view for a better perspective of your mail.
Share a link to a specific piece of mail between managers and recipients.
How to get started
Once the update is up, follow these steps:
Step 1: Log in to your virtual mailbox here, [add your PilotoMail renter access link].
Step 2: Follow the product tour for a walkthrough of your new virtual mailbox.
Step 3: If you have questions about your mailbox, send an email to [your email address here].
[Fill in with any other next steps if applicable.]
[Your name]