Invite Your Team To PilotoMail

Give access to your team as mail operators.

Updated over a week ago

Inviting your team to PilotoMail is a simple process. With just a few clicks, you can give full access to your team and start managing mail together. Whether your space is brand new or has been around for a while, you can invite your teammates to become operators, granting them access and privileges to your PilotoMail platform.

Send an invite to your team

By default, mail operators can invite other mail operators to manage their spaces in PilotoMail. To invite your team, just follow these simple steps:

  1. From the left sidebar, select βš™οΈ Settings.

  2. Choose Access on the top tab menu.

  3. On the top right, enter the email address of anyone you'd like to invite.

  4. Click the button Invite.

  5. An email will be sent to your teammate with your invitation.

  6. Once your teammate has clicked Join your team on the email, they are ready to start managing mail.

πŸ“Œ Note: Scroll down to review your invitations under Pending Invitations. You can resend or revoke an invitation to your space from here.

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