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Apply to be a CMRA

Not a Commercial Mail Receiving Agent? Start here.

Updated over a year ago

The U.S. Postal Service regulates how mail can be received and handled. USPS also dictates required procedures for commercial mail receiving agents (CMRA) like yourself to follow.

If you are not yet a CMRA, keep reading to learn more about how to get started and creating a compliance process for your space.

Become a Commercial Mail Receiving Agent (CMRA)

  1. Fill application to act as a Commercial Mail Receiving Agent (Form 1583-A) and the 1583 Form.

  2. Go to your local postmaster and execute the form in duplicate in the presence of the postmaster and retain one of the signed duplicate copies.

  3. Wait for approval. We suggest following up on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

  4. Once approved, the CMRA must be displayed in the location in a visible area.

πŸ”” CMRA Customer Registration Database (CRD)
The USPS is launching a new online database, the Customer Registration Database (CRD), requiring all CMRAs to submit their customer account information. In the CRD, a CMRA must input details from each PS Form 1583 and upload clear copies of the corresponding identification documents.

Moreover, the CMRA is obligated to certify in the USPS CRD every quarter (certification due on January 15, April 15, July 15, and October 15). The certification ensures that all submitted PS Form 1583s are current, termination dates are updated, and none of the identification documents have expired.

Already registered as a CMRA?

Explore how compliance works in PilotoMail.

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